Transparency & Verifiable Parental Consent for COPPA

COPPA is the gold standard of child privacy protection

Since 2000, the Children’s Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) has been in force to protect the privacy of children under 13 as they use the Internet and mobile games.  COPPA’s goal is simple – if a child’s privacy will be impacted, a parent or guardian must first give their consent after being given a clear explanation of the reasons for gathering the child’s privacy, what will be gathered, who it will be shared with, how long it will be retained and most importantly how it will be protected.

Facilitating the complexity of COPPA compliance

In June 2019, PrivacyCheq celebrated its fifth year as the industry leader in providing operational COPPA compliance technology for mobile gaming, online publishing, and “Internet of Things”.

COPPA is the predecessor to most child privacy regulations

The authors of GDPR used COPPA as a template for protecting child privacy, as have many other countries and US states that are enacting new privacy regulations now. With a single integration, the ConsentCheq service provides notice and consent compliance with a range of global privacy regulations, including GDPR in the EU, COPPA, CCPA and SB220 in the U.S., PIPEDA in Canada, and LGPD in Brazil.

Easing the compliance burden while building trust

ConsentCheq provides parents a single-sign-on child privacy dashboard that works on any convenient device, delivering privacy disclosures for apps their children want to use. When they approve, the child is instantly able to play.  For  publishers, ConsentCheq is easy to integrate with any Internet-connected platform.

Understand ConsentCheq’s power – get a live demo

Contact the PrivacyCheq team to schedule one right now.
